Phase I Site Assessments


One Vision
One Goal
One Team

Our Commitment

ETC's quality assurance is founded on three major components: quality planning; quality control and quality improvement.  At ETC, we emphasize quality planning, for this is how minimize costly errors during implementation.  Our approach to quality control encompasses training and development, assignment of personnel with relevant knowledge and experience to a specific task or project; and clear delineation of responsibilities and empowerment.  Quality improvement is a continuous process for ETC.  We will identify, quantify, and eliminate waste through a continuous process of improvement and examine our procedures and process for all potential improvements.

It is therefore ETC's policy to achieve the following quality related objectives and goals:

  • Complete understanding of the client's requirements and expectations of value before beginning work on any project.
  • Comprehensive communication with the client.
  • A sense of team unity between ETC, the client and any relevant parties.
  • Standardization of as many procedures related to data-collection, analysis and validation as is practicable.
  • Accident-free projects.
  • Client involvement and agreement on the selection of the technologies that best suits the client's needs.
  • Continual integration of client feedback throughout the entire course of the project.
  • Proactive approach to heading off problems; rapid response to handling those that do occur.
  • Systemic approach to documenting and making accessible the "lessons learned" from any problem encountered on a project.

Here at ETC we are committed to quality.  We will demonstrate this commitment by working to build quality values, e.g. prevention instead of inspection, an emphasis on team building and reduction of barriers to innovative problem solving.  We take responsibility for quality.  A such, our goods and services will exceed rather than meet our clients' own definition and expectations of quality.


Get in touch

We at ETC know that finding the right environmental consultant to represent you is a choice not to be taken lightly. That’s why we offer free consultations to walk you through your needs, the scope of your goals, and your budget.

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